The Art of Soaring
Soaring images
Geoff is a qualified glider pilot as well as a photographer. His first flight was at Omaka airfield, during a holiday in 1986. Based in Christchurch, he joined the Canterbury Gliding Club, then based at Wigram and signed up for a one-week ab-initio course at the Club’s former airfield at Hororata. After a five-day intensive course, he soloed on the Friday. He was hooked. Geoff eventually became Chief Flying Instructor of the Club and held the position for a total of 10 years.
While no longer an active member he still assists with administration for competitions and acts as Contest Director, a voluntary role he has now performed eleven times.
His indepth knowledge of gliding shows through in his superb images which are widely followed around the world on Instagram and Facebook.
The Art of Soaring